
17 gennaio 2013

Stencil with Contact Paper

Yes… I think I have finally perfected it.  I have now cut many stencils on Contact Paper using these settings and have had success each time.  So, I thought I would share.

I showed you my DIY Roman Shades in my last post.  I added the stencil to the top of them.  Here is how I did it.
I started by picking a design from the Silhouette Online Store.  This is the one I went with.
It’s called ’2 quatrefoil borders’
Because I only needed one of these borders I had to ungroup the items like this…
Then it grouped them like this.  I selected the one I didn’t want and pushed delete.
Now I rotated it…
And I set my dimensions on the side like below.  Be sure to click no cutting mat.
I then dragged my shape to fill the new dimensions like this.
This is the important part… Your speed will be set to 8 and your thickness to 3.
You are ready to cut, but you will need to adjust the bar on your machine to the shorter size unless your contact paper is larger.  It is super easy to do.  It actually shows you how to do it on your machine.
Insert your contact paper directly into the machine without a mat.
That’s it! My final steps were attaching it to my fabric and painting with acrylic paint.
And the final result…
Hope this is helpful!

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